Monday, February 11, 2008

Natural Family Planning Methods

Natural family planning contraceptive methods do not use medication, physical devices, or surgery to prevent pregnancy. Instead, these cycle-based fertility awareness methods rely on tracking the changes in the body that signal fertility. A woman is only fertile during part of her menstrual cycle. By monitoring certain changes in her body, a woman can more or less predict the fertile phase and abstain from sexual intercourse during that time. She can also use barrier methods if they are not prohibited by religious beliefs. The Catholic Church, for example, generally approves of most natural family planning methods.

Natural family planning methods include:

Basal body temperature
Cervical mucus
Lactational amenorrhea
Basal Body Temperature Method. To determine the most likely time of ovulation and therefore the time of fertility, a woman is instructed to take her body temperature, called her basal body temperature. This is the body's temperature as it rises and falls in accord with hormonal fluctuations.

Each morning before rising, the woman takes her temperature with a specialized basal body thermometer and marks the result on a graph-paper chart.
She also notes the days of menstruation and sexual activity.
The so-called "fertile window" is 6 days long. It starts 5 days before ovulation and ends the day of ovulation.
The chances for fertility are considered to be highest between days 10 - 17 in the menstrual cycle (with day 1 being the first day of the period and ovulation occurring about 2 weeks later). However, a 2000 study reported that only 30% of women were fertile within that period of time. In the study, women had a 10% chance of ovulating on each day between day 6 and 21. The researchers suggested that each woman track the length of her cycle, which in the general population of women actually runs 19 - 60 days. A long cycle, for example, suggests a delayed ovulation date.
Immediately after ovulation, the body temperature increases sharply in about 80% of cases. (Some women can be ovulating normally yet not show this temperature pattern.)
By studying the temperature patterns over a few months, couples can begin to anticipate ovulation and plan their sexual activity accordingly. To avoid losing spontaneity, couples should try to avoid becoming fixated on the chart in scheduling their sexual activity.

Cervical Mucus Method. The cervical mucus method (also called the ovulation method) requires a woman to take a sample (by hand) of her cervical mucus every day for a least a month and to record its quantity, appearance, feel, and to note other physical signs connected with the reproductive system. Cervical mucus changes in predictable ways over the course of each menstrual cycle:

Six days before ovulation, mucus is affected by estrogen and becomes clear and elastic. Ovulation is likely to occur the last day that mucus has these properties.
Right after ovulation, mucus is affected by progesterone and is thick, sticky, and opaque.
Once a woman's individual pattern is understood, analyzing cervical mucus can provide a highly accurate guide to fertility.

Symptothermal Method. This method uses both the basal body temperature and cervical mucus methods. In addition, the woman tracks symptoms that may identify her fertile period. These symptoms include changes in the shape of the cervix, breast tenderness, and cramping pain.

Prolonged Breastfeeding (The Lactational Amenorrhea Method). Breastfeeding often delays the onset of ovulation and menstruation for about 6 months. A technique called the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) allows women to rely on breastfeeding for natural family planning. New mothers are candidates for LAM if their periods have not returned after delivery. They must be breastfeeding the baby on demand, day and night, without regularly substituting other liquids or foods in the baby's diet.

The risk for pregnancy with this method is less than 2% in the early months, although by 6 months after birth it increases to over 5%. The return of menstruation indicates the return of fertility. Bleeding or spotting during the first 56 days is not considered menstruation. After that, 2 or more consecutive days of bleeding are usually an indicator that periods have returned. Ovulation can occur before menstruation resumes, although it is less likely within 6 months of delivery (particularly if the mother is intensively breastfeeding).

Calendar Method. The calendar (rhythm method) is considered the least reliable of natural family planning methods, with an effectiveness rate of about 87%. Women who have very irregular periods may have even less success with this method. In the calendar method, the woman first keeps a record of her menstrual periods for about 6 - 12 months. She then subtracts 18 days from the shortest and 11 days from the longest of the previous menstrual cycles. For example, if a woman's shortest cycle was 26 days and her longest cycle was 30 days, she must abstain from intercourse from day 8 through day 19 of each cycle.

Candidacy for Natural Family Planning
Because of the high risk for pregnancy, natural family planning methods are recommended only for those whose strong religious beliefs prohibit standard contraceptive methods. Couples who are not guided by religious authority, but who simply want a more natural sexual life, should use a barrier contraceptive during the fertile phase and no contraception during the rest of the cycle. To be effective against pregnancy, cycle-based methods require not only training, commitment, discipline, and perseverance, but also the cooperation of the male partner. Cycle-based methods are not recommended for women unless they are in a stable, monogamous relationship, and can count on their partner's willing participation.

Advantages of Natural Family Planning
Many couples, especially older ones, who have used these methods for a while and are strongly motivated, are able to successfully incorporate fertility awareness into their lives. For those with strong religious beliefs, natural family planning allows them to have a fulfilling sexual life yet still adhere to the rules of their church.

Disadvantages and Complications of Natural Family Planning
Couples who adopt a cycle-based approach to pregnancy avoidance must often abstain from sex or substitute other kinds of sexual intimacy for vaginal intercourse. Some couples find this self-denial and the need for vigilant tracking of the cycle difficult and stressful for the relationship. Failure rates are high with natural family planning. The risk for sexually transmitted diseases is also of particular concern, because such methods offer no protection against infection and religious beliefs usually preclude barrier protection.

